July Monthly Update

To our church whānau,

Thank you for your continued prayers and faithfulness in this season of change. We’re about to welcome our new Senior Pastors this Sunday - we’ll share more details about that below. During this time we’ve been encouraged by the voices who have shared Sunday messages, by the beautiful worship and the community that is happening all around - in small groups, prayer meetings, youth hang outs, and after every gathering. We’ve also had a new group of people start the Alpha Course this week, and we continue to see lives being changed in our Recovery ministry. In it all, we know that God is continuing to move and to be faithful. 

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”
Psalm 107:1

We’ve had some great answers to prayer in this season. If you would like your community to be lifting you up in prayer, please reach out here and let us know.  We will be praying on a Sunday as a whole community and all prayer requests are available on the Curate App each week.  We also have dedicated prayer teams who pray over all of our prayer needs.

10am, Sunday 28th July

We’re SO looking forward to welcoming Nick and Sarah in as our new Senior Pastors this Sunday! The staff have spent some time with them this week and already love them, and they’re looking forward to getting to meet all of you! To allow time for everything we have planned, we’re going to have just one 10am gathering on this day, followed by a potluck lunch afterwards (bring some food along to share). 

Other Church Updates
We have been sharing most weeks in our gatherings and on the Curate App about where we are at in our transition journey.  It is so exciting to be welcoming Nick and Sarah this Sunday, and to have them be with us permanently from September 1st. However, we are still working hard on other aspects of church life, including finances and governance.

The Curate Board have been meeting most weeks to continue providing sound governance and ensure that we have a bright future. They shared last Sunday where our financial situation is at - this information is available on the app. We are very grateful for all of the hours of service they are putting in. Thank you! As always, if you would like to make contact with the board you can email chairperson@curatechurch.com.

Our Eldership group has also been meeting most weeks, seeking God and his direction, praying for the spiritual direction of the church and praying for you. They are a faithful and committed group of people. If you’d like to catch up with one of the elders, you can speak to them on a Sunday after one of the gatherings, or email hello@curatechurch.com.

Term 3 in Kids, Intermediates and Youth
Hard to believe that the third school term of the year has begun! This term we have some exciting things planned in our Next Gen (Kids, Intermediates and Youth) areas. 

Curate Kids is going to work through a series every Sunday called ‘Battle Ready’ which is about the armour of God (from Ephesians 6:10-18).  This is a really fun and engaging programme designed to help your kids fall in love with God even more. 

Curate Intermediates are working through a couple of series this term; the first is focused on gaining a greater understanding of what the Bible is and how to read it, followed by a series on growing in maturity in our faith journeys. We will continue to encourage our Intermediates to be comfortable sharing their thoughts, questions and prayers in a group setting.

Curate Youth have a full term programme lined up called “commUNITY”, with Faith Fuel (worship, gathering and message), Group Nights (bible study, small groups and Q&A) and Thursday Thrills (thrills, games and surprises).  If you want to find out more or get connected with our youth leaders, email youth@curatechurch.com.

Time to do the dishes?
We’ve shared before about how important it is for everyone to be playing their part in the community. Without people serving, we couldn’t gather like we do on a Sunday, or have the impact that we do during the week.  If you’d like to join the team and serve somewhere, please reach out and let someone know.  We’re keen to get you more connected!

Have a very blessed week, see you all on Sunday at 10am!
God bless, the Curate Staff & Board


As always, we know that it is important to maintain an accurate database to better serve our valued church community. To ensure that we have the most up-to-date information about you, update your details here.  Alternatively, if you have decided that Curate Church is not the church community you belong to, you can let us know that here too.

There's a bunch of things coming up in the life of our community so make sure you check them out below. You can also see what is happening at www.curatechurch.com/calendar.

10am, Sunday 28th July

We're having just one gathering on this special day, followed by a potluck lunch afterwards (bring some food along to share).

7 - 7.30am Every Wednesday

We’re meeting every Wednesday morning at the Curate Offices (42c Tawa Street, Mount Maunganui) from 7 - 7.30am to pray for our church. If you are able to make it, we’d love to see you there. 

Sunday 4th August

We believe that if you have decided to follow Jesus, you should be baptised in water. This is something that Jesus did, and is a public declaration of our faith in Him. If you want to know more you can find out more on the website, or connect with one of our pastors.


August Monthly Update