School Kids • Fruit Friends - Kindness
“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with . . . kindness!” Colossians 3:12
Grab your family and do this devotion together.
READ Colossians 3:12
& Acts 14:17
Questions for discussion
Can you describe a time when you were really KIND to someone?
Can you describe a time when someone was really KIND to you?
Some people describe KINDNESS as ‘love in action’. What do you think this means?
How does God show KINDNESS to us?
What can we do to choose to be KIND every day?
Key concepts
When we talk about ‘clothing ourselves’, this verse is saying that when we wake up in the morning, we ought to get dressed spiritually and emotionally as well as physically. When we wake up in the morning and decide what to wear, we should also ask ourselves, “What kind of attitude am I going to wear today?”
Why should we be kind? We are to be kind for two reasons. First, we are to be kind because God is kind to us. Ephesians 2:8 says, “Because of His kindness you have been saved through trusting Christ.” And in Proverbs 11:17 it says, “Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel.”
So when we are kind, we are really doing ourselves a favour!
Can you work out what all of the fruit are? You might need to look this verse up in your Bible to check! Ask and adult to help you find the verse in your Bible.
We can be kind to Elsa and Rojer, our sponsor kids from Manado, Indonesia by praying for them. Pray that God keeps them and their families safe and well.